Monday, October 25, 2010


Do you know why I am happy?
Haha...ok la...dun be angry...
I will tell you for sure~~~
Firstly, i attended the meeting of robotic. Finally it had been confirmed.
I was quite worry about it before. Now, everything is fine. ^^
How about the second? I'm very hardworking today because I'm doing my BBI SDL now.
I thought I will spend whole day for those meaningless activity like facebooking, dotaing or sleeping. Wait!!! Maybe sleeping is not, when you feel tired must rest right? So nothing goes wrong for sleeping, haha...
And then, I'm having nice moment by chatting with Chean San.
I appreciate that I can keep contact with my NS friends.
It is because there are few friends I know during NS. It's really can be count by my fingers. Haha...:)
Oh ya, I couldn't forgot to talk about my agriculture. At the afternoon i stayed in class to study the agriculture. It's very boring and make I nearly fall in sleep. Actually I had a short nap during my study :P
Then, the test is tough for me. I have no idea and not really know what i wrote. It's quite lousy feel.
Hmm...two assignments and microprocessor project are waiting for me. Tomorrow will be a busy day. Anyway, I will face it by smiling :) because you are always there.

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