Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Phew~~~Staying at lab recently. I think this is good because I won't spend my time on taking nap. Haha!!! My work on PIC is going smoothly, I think that I can complete it with Poh Yee. Hmm...still have the Altera project, actually my initial plan is do the Altera project at morning and then do the PIC programming after lunch, but I'm very x3 lazy to wake up so early. Hehe...

Today is promotion day for Macdonald but I think is better not to take it because the promotion is just buy one free one for mc-chicken. One of the air-con in Macdonald is not function and crowded, so we take it back to the lab to eat. After lunch, it's time to depart, our destination is Jalan Pasar. We went to there for buying PIC and other electronic devices. The "Electronic Street" is awesome, the shops there sell a lot of chips and electronic components. I think that the price there is much cheaper than the shop at Serdang. There are also many shops sell speaker, TV, media player and etc. We spent a lot of time for searching the remote control. It's difficult to find the same TV remote control and finally we did. The shopkeeper told me that if their pattern ( means the keys ) is same then they are same for sure. Is it true? I'm not sure. I have to wait Michael go back and test it.

After that, it's time to go back, we went to buy Toufu Hua before went back to lab. Unfortunately, Toufu Hua and soya bean was sold out, sad~~~ : ( We have no choice so just went back to the lab. Sob sob... TT

Monday, May 16, 2011



Thursday, May 12, 2011


搞了整个早上,害我到lab时都十一点多了,真是的,浪费了我不少的时间。还好今天还有些值得高兴的,就是我的PIC有进展了,原来是voltage supply的问题,害我之前忙了大半天都没成果。不过总算找到问题所在,总好过一直做不到咯。最近还有烟霾问题,看新闻是说是印尼搞的鬼。一些地区的空气指数还接近危险水平,看来这是不能忽视的哦。
Dr. Micheal和William他们实在蛮搞笑,为了打game的事一直在斗嘴。Keng就和他吵戳大D的事,还有点难以置信的,呵呵。证明他们的感情还很不错哦。今天还是我第一次去Dr. Micheal的家,第一眼,看到很多纸皮箱子,还有很多杂物。情况比我的房间还糟糕,给我的话还不是很能接受。可能是我太好命了吧,不能习惯这样的环境。Pn. Roslizah的project难度爆灯,如果她不能给多些时间的话,我想我应该不会参与,太压力了。

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


今早是CC FYP展览,难得能看到这么多final year seniors,我也有些后悔这么早到,加上其实没什么东西看,因为我都看不懂。很伤心的,EM成绩出了,烂透了,得好好考虑是否要重拿,真的很懒惰,可是成绩太差我又接受不到,心很乱。我看我是需要下定决心去努力读书了,要不然真的很难维持我的cgpa。说到这个假期,四个月漫长的假期,本来以为WD internship有希望,结果什么消息都没有,咳。。。现在能做的就是学pic programming,顺便读完game programming的书咯,希望真的能学到家,不然也是没什么用处,浪费时间而已。Puan Roslizah还有个Altera project,有酬劳,好像很不错,当然是个很大的难题,我在想,“不是我看不起她,是她实在给不到我信心”,她应该是没什么本事去做那些project吧,不然怎么会丢给学生做呢?不过我都不在乎咯,反正有机会给我学东西,又有钱收,何乐而不为?不过还得看自己的本事啦。婆婆入院的事还蛮烦恼,至少要多一个月才能出院,我也帮不上什么忙。要躺在医院这么久,真的很辛苦。心情有些低落,现在的生活似乎没什么色彩,我该如何是好?