Thursday, June 21, 2012



昨天晚上八点多,刚吃完晚餐回来,小巴竟然醒来了,小巴昨天好早哦~ 平时都拖到十一二点,非得我摇醒它才肯懒洋洋得起来。:P 由于九点有宿舍appeal的interview,所以没时间喂小巴,临出门我还说:“小巴,乖乖地在这里等我回来哦~^^” 在我十点多回来时,小巴竟然待在原地睡着了。平时它一定钻进衣服里睡觉,因为它很怕冷,可是那时却待在二楼角落睡。也不知道是否听得懂我的话,还真的有点小感动~ 很快地我便带小巴出来,削苹果给它吃。让它待在我肩膀上吃苹果,吃到我满身都是苹果,我想我太宠它了~^^

后来有个马来同胞经过我房间,看到它就问我它是不是sugar glider,说他前几天他的sugar glider不见了。没想到它的主人还真的回来找它~ 它主人是和我同期的,first year时大家都叫他Botak因为他是光头的,世界还真小。原来他有一对sugar glider,一公一母,那天早上小巴自己推开笼子的门逃跑了~ 过后他把另一只带来,是小巴的伴侣,看见小巴和它的伴侣玩的这么开心,我实在找不到挽留小巴的理由。由于小巴失踪快一个星期了,他已经买了一只新的sugar glider。小巴,他是一定要带回去,就问我要不要把他刚收养的买过来。我真的好有冲动想买,可是后来到他房间看了那只sugar glider,认真想清楚,其实是取代不了小巴的... :(

Botak很高兴地和我分享小巴的事。原来雄性的sugar glider长大了都是秃头的,我还以为小巴哪天走路不长眼敲到头,看来我想太多了。> < 至于为什么它的舌头会跑出嘴巴外,是因为它有颗门牙崩了。小巴的舌头时常伸出来,看起来笨笨的,但却是它的可爱之处。:) 小巴原来一岁了,从他口中我还知道了很多关于小巴的事。很感谢Botak让小巴在我房间待多一晚,让我有多一晚的时间陪伴小巴。昨晚小巴特别的缠我,不知是否知道要和我分开了有所不舍... :(

现在我才懂为什么小巴是秃头的,它的舌头总是伸出来,才发现小巴喜欢咬我的耳朵... > < 好喜欢小巴趴在我的肩膀,好喜欢它躲进我的衣服里,喜欢看它吃苹果的模样,小巴超爱苹果哦~ 好喜欢蹦蹦跳跳的它,好喜欢它的一切一切~~~ 好舍不得小巴~ :( 今晚就要把小巴送回给Botak了,再见了小巴,再见~~~ 再见再见再见,我有着说不完的再见~~~ :( :( :( 虽然以后还有机会看见小巴,但我也不懂我会不会去探望小巴,因为会好舍不得~ 但想到可能小巴会想我,我想... 会吧!! :)

虽然有所不舍,但却不带任何的遗憾。我很珍惜与小巴度过的一个星期,每一天,每一刻~ 这是最后我为小巴发布的帖子,好感触~ :'(

*在这一个星期里,不知小巴搭着的,是不是它的幸福;我很肯定的,搭在我肩上的:是我的幸福。^ ^v

Saturday, June 16, 2012


在失去了什么,同时也得到了什么~ 因拥有而害怕失去。。。

Friday, June 15, 2012


“小巴”是我给它取的名字,昨天不知怎么地爬到朋友房间去~ 既然没人理会,好吧,今天起,你就跟我了~ ^^v

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What a nice day~ ^ ^v

It's study week now~ but I haven't start studying yet~ haha~~~ XD What I did is outing, playing, gossiping and eating. I went to Low Yat Plaza on this morning and it's such funny that Ka Hao has already reached there but I  was still at my sister's house. I went to Low Yat by public transport (train) and I have been long time never go to KL central and I was lost there because I couldn't find the way to the monorail station... Lol

At last I entered the monorail successfully and a pretty girl was sitting beside me... hahaha~ Lucky~~~ >.< Ka Hao told me that he was waiting me at Starbucks Coffee Shop and that moment only I reliase that there are many Starbucks in Timesquare... sweat~~~ = =" Finally I met him by calling him to get more precise location~~~ And I had a Mocha Frappuccino because the hot drinks machine is out of service, it's such disappointing > < After that we watched a movie, "Snow White and The Huntsman". What I can say is tiger head snake tail, the story is too long and made me felt so bored, almost fell in sleep in the cinema... After movie we had our lunch at Room Eighteen, set lunch~ Overall the taste and service is satisfied =)

This is time for shopping~~~ at Low Yat Plaza~ There are many things are attractive but I have to take care my pocket~~~ > < Bought mouse, cables, headphone and a... Gundam!!! MG White Zaku~~~ Wakaka~~~ I have been finding for so long and finally~ I found it ^ ^v

At night I went to Paradigm Mall with sister to try the Pacific Coffee~ I feel disappointed to it and maybe I put too high expectation to it because my sister highly recommend it~~~ > < I still love my Coffee Bean so much although I tried it once~ it's impressive memory ^ ^v